Friday, May 6, 2011

5 Immediate Action Steps to Demand from the West!

For few weeks now, the West has been debating what to do about Syria. So far, apart from condemnation, only limited US and EU sanctions (agreed to today) against the Syrian regime have transpired. The Europeans are still “contemplating” whether to add Bashar al-Assad to the list.
A few days ago, British Defense Secretary flatly said they had very few choices - This is not  exactly true. And the West, collectively, has a moral imperative to match its rhetoric with some concrete action to curb the brutality of Bashar Assad’s ruthless regime. 

It should be made absolutely clear, as the Turkish Prime-Minister did, that a Hama-1982-style solution will not be tolerated by the international community - Not in Dara’a. Not in Banias. Not in Rastan. Not in Lattakia. Not in Homs. Not in Douma. Not in any other Syrian city or town.

Today, the situation in Syria is getting more an more desperate...
  • 700+ Killed
  • 7000+ Wounded
  • 8000+ Detained
...And these numbers reflect ONLY what we think we know…

If you are in the US, or France, Italy, UK, or anywhere, there are 5 things we must demand in support of the peoples democracy movement in Syria to isolate the brutal regime:
  1. Recall their ambassadors from Syria 
  2. Expel Syria's ambassadors from all nations
  3. Expand the list of security officials subject to travel and financial sanctions for their role in human rights abuses to include other senior officials and Assad family members. This is a family run business afterall and we demand a freeze and/or seizure on their assets in the West :
    1. Bashar Al-Assad, the President   
    2. Asma Akhras Al-Assad, the Presidents wife
    3. Maher al-Assad, the president’s brother and head of the Republican guard 
    4. Asef Shawkat, married to Bashar’s sister & deputy chief of staff of the armed forces
    5. Bushra Al-Assad, the presidents sister
    6. Rami Makhlouf, first cousin of Bashar & economic kingpin
    7. Abdul Fatah Qudsiya, head of Military Intelligence
    8. Jamil Hassan, head of Air Force Intelligence
    9. Zuhair Hamad, head of the General Security Directorate (GSD)
    10. Mohammed Mansoura, head of the Political Security Directorate (PSD)
    11. Ali Habib Mahmoud, Minister of defence
    12. Mohammed Nasif Kheirbek, married into Al-Assad’s family, deputy vice-president for security affairs
    13. Nasif Kheirbek, head of internal security forces, General Security Directorate (GSD)
    14. Ali Mamluk, presidential adviser on security affairs
    15. Hisham Ikhtiar, director of the National Security Bureau (NSB)
    16. Zuhair Shalish, Bashar’s cousin, head of Presidential Security
    17. Atif Najib, the president’s cousin and a political operative in Daraa province
    18. Rustum Ghazali, former head of military intelligence in Lebanon
    19. Riad Haddad, Head of the Military Political Department
    20. Mohammed Ibrahim El-Chaar, Minister of Interior
    21. Atef Najib, former head of political security in Deraa
    22. Hafez Makhlouf, officer in General Intelligence Unit in Damascus
    23. Mohammed Dib Zeitoun, head of Political Security
    24. Amjad Al-Abbass, head of Political security, Baniyas
    25. Fawas Al-Assad, head of Shabiha militia
    26. Mundir Al-Assad, part of Shabiha
  4. Indict these officials and Assad family members for war crimes - refer them to the International Criminal Court. This truly scares them!
  5. Impose harsh sanctions on Western companies providing the regime with tools of repression
Please call your elected officials in the West with these demands. Call, email and harass them. It will take you a few minutes and may save lives. 

Its about time we push Western governments to support our movements in a way that we want.

We do not want general sanctions that hurt the Syrian people. 

We want political pressure to isolate the regime so the Syrian people can carry out their gallant revolution.

1 comment:

  1. I have added a few names to the list of criminals who should be sanctioned. 11-May
